DailyBibleStudy.Org | Daily Bible Study Index Page | Daily Bible Study Online E-Book Library
1. | God gave His only Son to save you | John 3:16-18 |
2. | He who believes in the Son will not be judged | John 3:16-18 |
3. | He who does not believe in the Son is judged already | John 3:16-18 |
4. | Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved | Acts 16:31 |
5. | I (Jesus Christ) am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me | John 14:6 |
6. | Sin entered into the world through one man (Adam) | Rom. 5:12 |
7. | Death therefore spread to all of humanity | Rom. 5:12 |
8. | All of humanity is unclean and dead | Isa. 64:6 |
9. | No one in the human race is righteous | Rom. 3:10 |
10. | All of humanity has sinned | Rom. 3:23 |
11. | Everyone is a slave to sin | John 8:34 |
12. | The wages of sin is eternal death | Rom. 6:23 |
13. | He (God the Father) made Him (Jesus Christ) a sacrifice for sin, in our behalf | 2 Cor. 5:21 |
14. | Jesus Christ went to the Cross for us | Phil. 2:8 |
15. | There is one God (Father), and one mediator (Christ) | 1 Tim. 2:5-6 |
16. | Christ gave Himself as a ransom for us | 1 Tim. 2:5-6 |
17. | Salvation is by grace, a gift through faith only | Eph. 2:8-9 |
18. | He who believes in the Son (Jesus Christ) has eternal life | John 3:36 |
19. | He who does not believe in the Son, will not have eternal life | John 3:36 |
20. | You must be born again (faith in Christ) to be saved | John 3:3 |
21. | He who believes in Christ, will not be judged | John 5:24 |
22. | Christ is the resurrection | John 11:25 |
23. | Anyone who is not saved will go to the Lake of Fire | Rev. 20:15 |
24. | There is no condemnation for those who have believed in Christ | Rom. 8:1-2 |
25. | Salvation is permanent and eternal | John 10:28 |
26. | Nothing and no one can separate the believer from God | Rom. 8:38-39 |